Thursday, December 29, 2022

Unleash the Power of Solar Energy: How Adding Solar Energy Solutions to Your Portfolio Can Benefit Your Business and Make a Lasting Impact on the World

 "How You Can Elevate Your Home Services Business & Create a Positive Impact with Solar Energy"

Selling solar allows home services companies to benefit their business and make a positive impact on the world.

In today’s world, the demand for sustainable living has never been higher. With solar, businesses, and enterprises can help their customers make a difference in the world.

The benefits of solar energy go way beyond this as well. Solar panels can save you money on your monthly electricity bills while decreasing your carbon footprint and lowering your energy bill. Here are just a few reasons why adding solar energy to your portfolio is a smart move:

  1. Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source that reduces reliance on fossil fuels. By offering solar energy solutions, you can help your customers reduce their carbon footprint and do their part in the fight against climate change.

  2. Solar energy can save your customers money on their energy bills. Solar panels allow homeowners to generate their own electricity, which can significantly reduce their energy costs. This can be a major selling point for homeowners looking to save money and reduce their bills.

  3. Solar energy is a growing industry with a lot of potential for growth. As more and more people become aware of the benefits of solar energy, the demand for solar panel installations is likely to increase. By offering solar energy solutions, you can tap into this growing market and position your business for future success.

  4. Solar energy is a low-maintenance and reliable source of energy. Once installed, solar panels require very little maintenance and can last for decades. This means that your customers can enjoy the benefits of solar energy for years to come with minimal effort on their part.

In short, adding solar energy to your portfolio is a win-win for both your business and your customers. Not only will it allow you to tap into a growing industry and offer your customers a valuable service, it will also allow you to make a positive impact on the environment and the lives of your customers.


Why the Powur, PBC, Platform?

As a home services provider, you have the power to not only improve your business, but also make a lasting impact on the world by offering solar energy solutions. By joining this amazing platform that was created by Powur, PBC, you can give your customers access to a clean, renewable energy source that not only helps the environment, but also saves them money on their energy bills.

But the benefits of adding solar energy to your portfolio don't stop there. Powur's revolutionary model offers complete transparency on the cost of each solar project, as well as industry-leading commissions and an equity ownership program. Plus, their virtual platform allows you to work remotely and flexibly, so you can grow your business on your own terms.

With Powur's sustainable model and innovative platform, you can generate passive income, invest in your future, and innovate with a leading global clean energy company. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make a difference for your customers and the planet while boosting your business. Join Powur today and unleash the power of solar energy.

Here is an informative video that we have put together for you so that you can get the full scope

Learn more about Powur

Monday, December 26, 2022

California's NEM 3.0

California's, new rules are to take place in April, 2023. 

The government of California has voted to do away with Net Metering. What does this mean for perspective home owners looking to invest in solar, and what does this mean for homeowners who have already made the investment in Solar power? 

First, what is Net Metering? 

What "net metering" means is that your relationship with the power company is an equal two way relationship. Meaning that if you have excess solar power available, not only can you use it to power your home directly, but you can also export your extra solar energy available. In other words, you can send that excess energy back out through your electric meter for full price credit. What happens is that your excess energy will flow out of your meter and the utility can sell it to one of your neighbors homes. In turn the electric company will give you full price credit for that energy. Having that full price credit is important because after the sun sets, during evening hours you're going to be pulling energy back in from the utility company. Assuming of course that you don't already have your own battery storage. So you'll want to use those credits that you've built up during day time ours. 

This is a full true 1 for 1 net metering credit. You send them a full credit, and they send you a full credit. It all balances out evenly. 

Now, Nem 3.0 means to move away from a net metering program to what's called an avoided cost program. So what that means is this. 

What is implied by Avoided Cost Program?

"Avoided Cost Program" are characterized as "the steady expenses for an electric utility of. electric energy or limit or both which, yet for the buy from the passing office or qualifying offices, such utility would create itself or buy from another source.

Let's say during daylight hours, your solar system is producing at full power and you have more electricity than what you need to power your home, the excess that you send back to the power company, instead of crediting you at the full retail price, which in parts of California is now around .30 cents per kilowatt hour. That's what they charge YOU, when their selling it to you. Well, their now going to pay you a much lower rate, of only .08 cents per kilowatt hour.  Their rational is, When they buy they buy wholesale power from the power plant, they are only paying that lower wholesale rate of around 6, to 7 cents a kilowatt hour. Then they sell it to the resell customer at .30 cents and they make the margin in-between. That's of course how they make their profit. 

And so the utilities commission has agreed with the utilities as said that if homeowners have excess energy, the power companies don't have to give homeowners that full credit. Now they can just pay you, the homeowner, that lower rate. Just like they would buy power from the power plants. 

So what this means is that, if your making an investment in rooftop solar for your home, this is going to cut  your return on investment. In some cases, it could cut it in half. 

Now, this is not the end of the world, but if you're just purely making your decision on whether or not to go solar based on financial projections that a solar salesperson told you or based on your own financial analysis, then the pay pack period for rooftop solar in California, your payback period can now double. This goes for a {Specifically if you're talking about just a straight net metering system with no batteries.) This could mean instead of, let's say a 4 year pay back, you'll be looking at around an 8 or 9 year pay back on your system. So there are serious implications here. 

Now, the new rules take effect starting in about 116 days. This means that if you want to take advantage of the current 1 for 1 net metering program that's still in effect right now. You have 116 days, (depending on when you read this,) to get a contract signed. So if you're still in the market to look at your options for solar power for your home. We must get the process started and have all documents signed before that time frame is up. 

For those who are already an existing homeowner who has solar energy and who is already leveraging the current net metering program. They don't have to worry these changes affecting them. Existing California net metering customers are grandfathered in for the next 20 years. 

For those who have not made the investment into solar yet, what this means is that you're really going to want to take a look at the battery storage option. What battery storage allows you to do is, instead of having to sell your excess solar to the power company at a significantly  discounted rate, you can just store your excess solar energy in a bank of batteries at your home, so that when the sun goes down and you don't have any solar being directly produced, you can then power your home of the battery using the stored energy in the battery from what you charged during the day time hours. So this still allows you to have full solar coverage of your home without relying on the power company to be the battery for you, or that without relying on them to give you full price credit for any excess solar energy that you can't use, or store yourself. 

To get the full scope on this subject, Please click here.

To take advantage of the current Net Metering, switch to solar today.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

🚨 Action needed in California

Here's the recording of the emergency NEM 3 webinar we had at CALSSA.

We MUST come out in force on June 2 to San Francisco and Los Angeles to stop this bad proposal in its tracks. The CPUC is inviting feedback. Let's give it to them!

 A new NEM-3 proposal has been released by the California Public Utilities Commission. ðŸ˜¡

Here's the top 5 things you need to know and why it is critical we fight back and do it quickly.
  1. The new CPUC NEM 3 "proposal" includes $30-40/month fee + additional fixed charges per kW on residential and now potentially on commercial/ag projects.

  2. The fees are HIGHER if you have batteries and would apply to what your customers self-produce and self-consume. Yes – fees for making your own solar power that you use for residential and commercial.

  3. CPUC still wants to lower the value of solar kWh from the current retail rate minus a few charges to 5 cents per kWh.

  4. Still on the table: retroactive changes to your existing customers, other taxes, monthly netting, and more.

  5. Next steps: We MUST come out in force on June 2 and stop this bad proposal in its tracks. The CPUC is inviting feedback. Let's give it to them! Shut down your work, bring your whole team, and meet us in LA or SF to tell the CPUC and the Governor, once and for all, NO SOLAR TAX! RSVP Here. And then spread the word  to everyone you know.
California Solar & Storage Association (CALSSA) is organizing two simultaneous events on June 2, one in Los Angeles and one in San Francisco. The events are being held in conjunction with a meeting of the CPUC to create the largest ever submission of live public comments in CPUC history.
Our goal is to give the CPUC massive feedback on June 2 with two giant in-person rallies and public testimony events. To attract enough attention that our collective voice is heard by the governor so that he takes action to protect this important solar market, your business, your job, we need you and your colleagues to attend one of these rallies. RSVP today. Don't wait!
Thank you!
Are you interested in making a difference in the world? Watch here. Join the Movement here

Monday, May 2, 2022

Can Solar Energy Really Save You Money?


Lower utility bills + being sustainable = happy customers.

There's no better time to go solar!

It's true, that solar panels have not always been so appealing. However, as technology has improved, so has its appearance when it comes to solar panels. Watch this short video of a recent Powur installation.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Imagine This...


 Imagine for a minute that Climate Change isn't real, or that it doesn't affect your life and so it doesn't matter. Or let's pretend for a minute that it's all propaganda that the media is hell-bent on forcing down your throat as some would suggest or have you believe.

Now what? Why should we switch to renewable energy resources such as Solar Energy for your home? Simple! It's cheaper, adds home value, has an end date, gives you predictability, and protects your roof if it's rooftop solar. Don't believe me? I invite you to come to see for yourself. All I need is your electric bill and about an hour of your time, depending on how many questions you have. My team will put together a dynamic proposal that will show you the true cost of both, switching to solar or staying with fossil fuels. Our approach is to educate homeowners. If it makes sense when help you get set up as seamlessly as possible so that you can continue with your current life projects while we take care of the rest.

What is Renewable Energy? Answer; energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or solar power. Not a commodity! 

Imagine this! 

You see an amazing proposal and everything looks like a great fit for you. Your Solar Array System is ready and turned on. A few days later, you receive a check for 36 months worth of payments for your system. Now, you'll not have to worry about making payments for the next three years. How could that help you financially right now and over the next three years? 

Now, for many of you, this could be a reality if you act fast. Our Earth Month Promotion ends April 30, 2022. With this promotion, you can get up to 36 months of your payments paid! 

I know, seems too good to be true right? lol You may be wondering, what’s the catch? There isn’t one. Just let me know you’re interested, sign a contract, and get 12 (18 or 36) months of Solar on us once you’re installed. 

Why are we offering this amazing promotion? It's simple, we believe that we can make a difference in the world and for the future of all humanity. We believe that you'll make the right decisions when this amazing technology is available and affordable to you. We know that times have been rough and we wholeheartedly believe this is the right way to go. We know that the information has been misrepresented and, or outdated. While the system that makes it all possible isn't free, the energy produced from it is. That puts the power in your hands as the owner. 

Allow me to introduce you to this amazing technology and show you the facts about it. All we need is your most recent electric bill and a little bit of your time. From there, You decide what's best for you, your family, and your home. 

How does it work? 

Get the facts today! Click Here

Check out our Solar Education Series Here.

Top 10 Questions answered here.

Earn $1000 if you refer a homeowner who switches to solar. Learn more here. 

Climate Change Reality 2022

Wednesday, April 13, 2022



Solar Energy is the Cheapest Source of Energy in the world?

So, you're probably wondering... How much does solar energy cost?
WELL, the truth is... IT DEPENDS.

The cost of installing solar depends on a number of factors including the state you live in, the solar incentives you’re eligible for, the equipment you install, and how much energy you consume on average. Since 2010, the cost of solar energy has dropped by 80%.

In most cases, it’s more costly to NOT go solar!

The absolute best way to find out the exact price of solar for your home is to get an Energy savings report, also known as a solar proposal.
This is where you will sit down with a solar energy consultant/expert. The consultant will need your most recent energy bill to start.

Why do you need my Electric Bill?

How Does It Work?


Sunday, April 10, 2022




We keep taking our Monday night Powur Hour to the next level and this is one you certainly don’t want to miss

This special edition Powur Hour is all about Powur’s inaugural Impact Journey and we’ll finally be revealing the winners of this year’s contest! Charles Thompson will be joined by Impact Journey winners Jonathan Brunasso, Cynthia Alvidrez, and many more - but you’ll have to tune in to find out who will be joining them on this life-changing journey to Mexico!

  • Yes, you can earn a living with Powur
  • Yes, you can work for yourself with Powur
  • Yes, you can build a team with Powur and work from wherever you are. 

Most importantly, you will be fulfilled by taking a chance with Powur - knowing you are part of a greater vision of accelerating the adoption of sustainable energy worldwide.

As an added treat, we’ll hear from Powur CMO, Cami Boehme, the mastermind behind implementing the Impact Journey into the DNA of our company! 

So make sure you join us Monday, April 11 at 5 PM PT | 8 PM ET to hear about the DNA of the Powur Platform and what opportunities you & your guests will have at their fingertips by becoming a Powur Warrior.

Here is the direct calendar link, so you can receive a reminder email the day of! 

Solar on! - it’s only up from here!


David Brown 

Independent Powur Consultant

See my Schedule

Access Powur Hour!

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Learn more about Powur Equity Bonuses


Learn more about Powur Equity Bonuses

Powur Vision Holders | What it Means to Own Stock in Powur

Join the Movement today!

The opportunity for this company is not just to be an innovative model for how customers are acquired for sustainable energy. Although that's a hugely valuable company, that's not even close to the real potential of our organization.

What we're really building is a new global model for a clean energy utility, and a clean energy utility is not just going to supply the electricity in the future.

Powur’s future potential is to provide sustainable essential services at breakthrough costs. It's going to be energy, storage, transportation, food, water, materials, and housing. That is because society is morphing out of its extraction-based economic and resource model, where we extract from the world around us to provide for our needs.

We believe society is moving towards a technological creation-based model. We're not going to need to extract energy anymore, we're going to create energy. We're not going to need to extract water, we're gonna create water. We don’t need to extract from the environment to create livestock for meat, we’re going to grow meat with precision fermentation, etc. So, this is the big technological shift happening on the planet right now that is an opportunity for many essential service sectors.

The idea is that Powur can become the organization that supplies people with the technologies they need to create the resources they require to sustain life at breakthrough costs.

Energy is just the first one, but as you look over the coming decades at disruptive technologies like precision fermentation and 3D printing, and many more things that are coming, we think we're gonna have an opportunity to provide those technologies to our customers and scale this model internationally. That's the vision we have.

Learn More

Freedom Tour 2022 has been an amazing ride and it’s not over yet!

 Freedom Tour 2022

The Freedom Tour has been an amazing ride, and it's not over just yet!

 In addition, we are rocking it with the addition of new markets! Since January, we’ve launched IllinoisDelawareWest Virginia, and Maryland will be fully live on Monday!

This Freedom Tour is a phenomenal opportunity for you to share with your friends how our model provides the most customized and affordable solutions to customers. In addition, they will hear first-hand success stories and testimonials from some of our top local and national leaders.

Use the, "add to calendar" feature.
Don't forget to RSVP!

Life is a dream come true for me and my new wife. And Powur made it all possible. We are all living the dream! – Wally Arida

Saving the planet one Solar System at a time is AMAZING!” – Janae Welch

Zoom call at 8AM, contract signed at 8:15AM. I love this job! #LifeIsGood” - David Steel

Join Us Monday Evening!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


We are coming up on Earth Day 2022 and there's no better time for homeowners to play their part in reducing our CO2. It's never been cheaper, and more convenient to take climate action. renewable energy can help homeowners in several ways. 

  • Solar Energy is cheaper than fossil fuels.
  • Solar energy ads value to your home
  • Solar energy gives you predictability
  • Solar energy is sustainable energy
  • 0-Down financing options are now available for even the less than average credit. Apply today
Just to name a few. 

The truth is that solar doesn't work for every home. But it's super important to find out if your home qualifies. You can reduce an average of 4700lbs of CO2 monthly. 
Currently, there are millions of homeowners taking action. We need hundreds of millions to really make the biggest positive impact. Don't leave it up to the government to make the choices for you. 

Take control and your independence back now. 

Dave's Energy Solutions is dedicated to finding you the best solar options for your home. The more details we have about your home and the plans for your home in the near future, the better we can fit your home correctly. 

Tell us your thoughts about this blog post in the comments.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Happy Earth Day



Ah Earth Day, the one day we all make a conscious effort to regenerate our planet. At Powur we don't believe in celebrating the Earth for one day only, we celebrate for an entire month! So how will we celebrate this year? Dave's Energy Solutions is proud to present to you, the Earth month Incentive by Powur PBC


This month and until April 30, 2022. Homeowners are able to receive a check for 12-36 months of their monthly payments. 

At a time, when energy prices are through the roof, this could help homeowners get some much-needed relief and peace of mind. It's bad enough that you're feeling the pain at the pump. You shouldn't have to feel the rising cost of energy on your utility bill too. 

Dave's Energy Solutions is proud to present the Powur Earth Day incentive to help you make the transition to sustainable energy. This way, you can feel good with confidence that you're making a good decision that will reduce your carbon footprint, increase the value of your home, give you predictability, & an end-of-contract date so that you can truly obtain sustainable Solar energy freedom!  

Get Started Here

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Florida Needs Us Now!

 Florida Needs Us Now!

Today is March 9, 2022. 

  Every week I get an email from Powur. It's always packed with updates and helpful information and exciting news. But sometimes there is news that isn't so exciting. I received this update a few days ago on the 7th of March. 
I gave it a couple of days to think about how I wanted to approach this topic, and help spread the news. 

So here’s the update on the Solar situation in Florida, (Sourced from Powur's weekly update): 

After weeks of attempting to convince the Florida Legislature to oppose the net metering bill, both the House and Senate approved the bill that would make major changes to many rules for rooftop solar energy. Unfortunately, this could cripple the solar industry, reducing financial incentives for homeowners to install rooftop systems.

While there is a stay until January 1, 2024, after that - this bill will begin reducing the net metering rate homeowners and business owners get paid; this ends up giving customers 75% of energy credit in 2024, dropping to 60% in 2026, and down to 50% in  2027. Customers who own or lease solar panels and use public utilities have until 2029 to lock in a net metering rate for the next 20 years.

What’s the next step? This bill is heading to the governor’s desk and we want it to be vetoed!
  1. Call or email Gov. DeSantis’ office with a CLEAR message - VETO this harmful bill!
  2. Visit Florida’s Solar Energy Industry Association website to access their toolkit - a comprehensive resource that gives you social media graphics and additional information on this fight -

More than 40,000 people are employed by the solar industry in Florida, from knowledge-based services and government roles to wholesale trade and construction jobs. Now their jobs are on the line. Currently, Florida is ranked as the 4th largest rooftop solar industry in the U.S., powering nearly 800,000 Florida homes. We need you to take a stand and support sustainable energy solutions and the policies that make it possible! Look out for more updates from us as we fight, fight, fight

I took a few parts out because they were more directed to the sellers in the field. But I do love how Jonathan Budd, Founder of Powur gets supper churched and passionate about our mission! 

Listen, Friends;  

Consumers do have a chance! Customers will have about 18 more months to get their contracts signed before the new rules kick in - so if you own a home in Florida, book a call with me, Dave Brown, independent Powur consultant, or any other consultant/ambassador. to see what your options are. Solar doesn't make sense to every home, but we can sit down and see if it can for your home. Many thousands of homeowners are already reaping the benefits. Don't lose out before then! 

Here is a list of a few other Independent consultants, and or ambassadors whom I recommend. 

Looking for a Floridian, Trusted Green Realtor
Deidre Omahen would be a great choice! (Click here)

Need help in Spanish? (¿Necesitas ayuda en español?
Dianna Quiroz could be a great fit! (Click here)

Or how about the Owner of Life Capital Solutions, a Business Finance company, Darren Green. (Click here) 

Whomever you choose, you can have peace-of-mind know that you're in good hands as they can help you find the very best solar, products, installations, warranties and most competitive prices the market has to offer in your area!

 Attentions US based Roofing Companies!! 

Have you ever considered adding Solar Energy to your business portfolio? Enterprise your business with Powur and this amazing software!! Many Powur consultants have  customers who need New Roofs, and or repairs before they go switch to solar


Here’s a list of upcoming events:


Can Solar Energy Really Save Money?

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