Sunday, April 24, 2022

Imagine This...


 Imagine for a minute that Climate Change isn't real, or that it doesn't affect your life and so it doesn't matter. Or let's pretend for a minute that it's all propaganda that the media is hell-bent on forcing down your throat as some would suggest or have you believe.

Now what? Why should we switch to renewable energy resources such as Solar Energy for your home? Simple! It's cheaper, adds home value, has an end date, gives you predictability, and protects your roof if it's rooftop solar. Don't believe me? I invite you to come to see for yourself. All I need is your electric bill and about an hour of your time, depending on how many questions you have. My team will put together a dynamic proposal that will show you the true cost of both, switching to solar or staying with fossil fuels. Our approach is to educate homeowners. If it makes sense when help you get set up as seamlessly as possible so that you can continue with your current life projects while we take care of the rest.

What is Renewable Energy? Answer; energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or solar power. Not a commodity! 

Imagine this! 

You see an amazing proposal and everything looks like a great fit for you. Your Solar Array System is ready and turned on. A few days later, you receive a check for 36 months worth of payments for your system. Now, you'll not have to worry about making payments for the next three years. How could that help you financially right now and over the next three years? 

Now, for many of you, this could be a reality if you act fast. Our Earth Month Promotion ends April 30, 2022. With this promotion, you can get up to 36 months of your payments paid! 

I know, seems too good to be true right? lol You may be wondering, what’s the catch? There isn’t one. Just let me know you’re interested, sign a contract, and get 12 (18 or 36) months of Solar on us once you’re installed. 

Why are we offering this amazing promotion? It's simple, we believe that we can make a difference in the world and for the future of all humanity. We believe that you'll make the right decisions when this amazing technology is available and affordable to you. We know that times have been rough and we wholeheartedly believe this is the right way to go. We know that the information has been misrepresented and, or outdated. While the system that makes it all possible isn't free, the energy produced from it is. That puts the power in your hands as the owner. 

Allow me to introduce you to this amazing technology and show you the facts about it. All we need is your most recent electric bill and a little bit of your time. From there, You decide what's best for you, your family, and your home. 

How does it work? 

Get the facts today! Click Here

Check out our Solar Education Series Here.

Top 10 Questions answered here.

Earn $1000 if you refer a homeowner who switches to solar. Learn more here. 

Climate Change Reality 2022

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