Thursday, March 3, 2022

Powur Day - National Day of Unplugging!


  This Friday, March 4, the Powur Corporate team is participating in the National Day of Unplugging. This will be the first-ever " Powur Day" cooperate holiday. Powur is giving this day to it's employee's to encourage them to elevate human connection over digital engagement. "It's about learning how to maintain a healthy life/tech balance. It's about self-care, spending time with our families, getting active, and getting some rest," said Jonathan Budd, founder of Powur, PBC. 
Powur wants it's employee's to return more productive, balanced, and stronger as a whole. Now that creates a quality team!!

As an independent Powur Consultant, and Not part of the Corp. Team, There are some fantastic and smart people doing the back end. I'm super thankful for each and every one of them. 

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